Remote Desktop Gateway Server is Temporarily Unavailable on SBS 2011 After Uninstalling Exchange Server

There are several causes of the error “Your computer can’t connect to the remote computer because the remote desktop gateway server is temporarily unavailable” in Windows SBS 2011. There are a lot of articles that deal with the specifics so I’ll go over those more common causes briefly before explaining my issue (which related to uninstalling Exchange).

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Configure Confluence SMTP with TLS via JNDI for Office 365 Relay


How To Fix: Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection in Confluence JNDI

I’ve been doing Exchange to Office 365 migrations lately and that means on-premises applications and devices can’t use the local Exchange server to send mail anymore.

Your options are to use the credentials of an Office 365 mailbox to send mail, set up a local SMTP relayer, or use a third-party SMTP service.

If you’ve opted to use an Office 365 login to send mail via SMTP, then you must use TLS, so the applications/devices sending mail must support sending mail with TLS on port 587.

This article focuses on Atlassian Confluence but may apply to other java applications using JNDI to configure mail.

Atlassian Confluence, Secure SMTP, and JNDI

Confluence has no way to set up secure SMTP with SSL or TLS from within the administration, so unfortunately you’re forced to configure Confluence to use a JNDI Location for SMTP. This involves moving around JARs and changing configuration files, which will end up slowing down your upgrades (see my script to make Confluence upgrades easier).

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Junk Mail Not Syncing on Android Exchange ActiveSync

Junk Email - No Messages

I was asked recently to look at an Android phone that was connected to Exchange via ActiveSync. It was working fine for regular email, but Junk mail was seemingly not coming through.

Doesn’t sound like too bad a problem to have, but if you have clients (or worse, prospective clients) end up in Junk mail from time to time, and you don’t know it, it can seem like you’re ignoring them. Not good!

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